Unlock Microcontroller Embedded Firmware

Unlock Microcontroller Embedded Firmware from program memory and data memory, reset the fuse bit over the MCU by breaking its protection and copy firmware to new MCU for cloning;

Unlock Microcontroller Embedded Firmware from program memory and data memory, reset the fuse bit over the MCU by breaking its protection and copy firmware to new MCU for cloning
Unlock Microcontroller Embedded Firmware from program memory and data memory, reset the fuse bit over the MCU by breaking its protection and copy firmware to new MCU for cloning

When crack microcontroller package, we need to use different kinds of methods to execute the process, but if we enforce the same method to different programmed or already erased microcontroller memory content, we can see the relationship between threshold value and other facts, such as the time of erase actions and memorizer address.

We can also see from the MCU that even after 100 times of erase operation and the ion still be found inside the floating gate which makes the breaking become more possible and obtain the required content from memorizer. After 100 times of programme/erase cycles on the samples being tested, except those primitive ions which could have threshold voltage swifting.

At the same time, it is quite complicate to analyze and obtain the information inside the memorizer since the voltage difference between them is much higher than itself when clone microcomputer pic16c54a program.

As a matter of fact, the only way to avoid this kind of problem is using the same unit as reference, when the pulling avr attiny4313 program out being erased with extra time, we can compare the threshold electrical level. We acquire the same or similar result from the EEPROM of PIC16F84A. the only difference is the threshold value is quite close to the value of unit after completely erase.

If the MCU has been erased for more than 10 times, it is hardly to get any information from processor when try to unlock it.

In the next test, we should write all “0” in the MICROCONTROLLER before attack operation, and the result is we can’t tell the difference between programmable and non-programed units, which means pre-program the processor before erase any memorizer unit could be a very good way to protect MCU.

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