Crack Locked MCU PIC16LF877 Embedded Code

We can crack Embedded Code of locked mcu PIC16LF877, please view the locked mcu PIC16LF877 features for your reference:
Capture/Compare/PWM Register2 (CCPR2) is comprised of two 8-bit registers: CCPR2L (low byte) and CCPR2H (high byte). The CCP2CON register controls the operation of CCP2. The special event trigger is generated by a compare match and will reset Timer1 and start an A/D conversion (if the A/D module is enabled).
Additional information on CCP modules is available in the “PICmicro® Mid-Range MCU Family Reference Manual” (DS33023) and in Application Note AN594, “Using the CCP Modules” (DS00594).In Capture mode, CCPR1H:CCPR1L captures the 16-bit value of the TMR1 register when an event occurs on pin RC5/T1CKI/CCP1/SEG10 when Crack Locked MCU PIC16LF877 Embedded Code;
An event is defined
as one of the following:
• Every falling edge
• Every rising edge
• Every 4th rising edge•
Every 16th rising edge
The type of event is configured by control bits CCP1M<3:0> (CCPxCON<3:0>). When a capture is made, the interrupt request flag bit CCP1IF (PIR1<2>) is set. The interrupt flag must be cleared in software. If mended method for switching between capture prescalers. This example also clears the prescaler counter and will not generate the “false” interrupt if Crack Locked MCU PIC16LF877 Embedded Code.
Another capture occurs before the value in register CCPR1 is read, the old captured value is overwritten by the new value. In Capture mode, the RC5/T1CKI/CCP1/SEG10 pin should be configured as an input by setting the TRISC<5> bit. Timer1 must be running in Timer mode, or Synchronized Counter mode, for the CCP module to use the capture feature. In Asynchronous Counter mode, the capture operation may not work.
When the Capture mode is changed, a false capture interrupt may be generated. The user should keep bit CCP1IE (PIE1<2>) clear to avoid false interrupts and should clear the flag bit CCP1IF, following any such change in Operating mode. There are four prescaler settings, specified by bits CCP1M<3:0>. Whenever the CCP module is turned off, or the CCP module is not in Capture mode, the prescaler counter is cleared. Any Reset will clear the prescaler counter.
Switching from one capture prescaler to another may generate an interrupt after Crack Locked MCU PIC16LF877 Embedded Code.
Also, the prescaler counter will not be cleared, therefore, the first capture may be from a non-zero prescaler. Example 15-1 shows the recommended method for switching between capture prescalers. This example also clears the prescaler counter and will not generate the “false” interrupt from CRACK MCU.