Break Microcontroller Protection by Electronic Probing Attacking

Break Microcontroller Protection by Electronic Probing Attacking technology usually monitors the analog characteristics of all power and interface connections of the microprocessor during normal operation with high time resolution, and implements mcu flash memory attacking by monitoring its electromagnetic radiation characteristics.

Break Microcontroller Protection by Electronic Probing Attacking technology usually monitors the analog characteristics of all power and interface connections of the microprocessor during normal operation
Break Microcontroller Protection by Electronic Probing Attacking technology usually monitors the analog characteristics of all power and interface connections of the microprocessor during normal operation

Because the microcontroller is an active electronic device, when it executes different commands, the corresponding power consumption changes accordingly.

specific key code in the microcontroller flash memory can be extracted
specific key code in the microcontroller flash memory can be extracted

In this way, by using special electronic measuring instruments and mathematical statistical methods to analyze and detect these changes, specific key code in the microcontroller flash memory can be extracted.