Unlock IC Chip

Unlock IC Chip

Unlock IC Chip

We can provide a wide range of Unlock IC Chip methods on hardware security in microcontrollers and smartcards. This includes already known non-invasive unlock IC methods, such as power analysis and glitching, and invasive unlock IC methods, such as MCU reverse engineering and microprobing.

A new class of IC chip unlock method – semi-invasive chip unlock – is introduced. Like invasive IC unlock method, they require depackaging the chip to get access to its surface. But the passivation layer remains intact, as these methods do not require electrical contact to internal lines.

Semi-invasive IC chip unlocks stand between non-invasive and invasive methods. They represent a greater threat to hardware security, as they are almost as effective as invasive IC unlocks but can be low-cost like non-invasive chip unlocks.


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