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Product Description

Crack MCU ATmega2560 Flash

Crack MCU ATmega2560 memory and extract the program and data from Flash and eeprom, copy the firmware into blank Microcontroller ATmega2560 which provide the same functions as original MCU; Crack MCU ATmega2560 memory and extract the program and data...

Crack MCU ATmega1280 Eeprom

Crack MCU ATmega1280 Eeprom and flash memory need to decapsulate the silicon package of the Microcontroller and use microprobe to get access to the databus of the memory of Microcontroller ATmega1280, then extract the code out from MCU ATmega1280; Cr...

Crack MCU ATtiny861V Heximal

Crack MCU ATtiny861V needs to get the memory unlocked which include flash and eeprom storage and extract Heximal out from its memory, the way to verify the correctiveness of heximal is to copy the firmware into blank Microcontroller which is going to...

Crack MCU ATtiny861 Flash

Crack MCU ATtiny861 flash memory and extract firmware out from Flash and eeprom memory, in order to unlock the Microcontroller, hacker needs to get access to its databus which connect the processor CPU and memory, then extract the source code from it...